When you think about it, it appears that little girls have all the fun as far as decorating their nurseries and rooms. When you venture for some new items in the shops, you always stumble upon huge collections of pink, frilly or frilly-less and cute girly stuff as opposed to the more boring boys things.
You have the usual boys' sailboats motifs, cars, trucks etc combined with boring dark blue or primary red, blue, yellow colours. Yawn.
So now that my little one does not want to be considered as a baby anymore (
mom, thezze *shows crib bars* down, now ) we're thinking of upgrading his room in a more toddler-y fashion. Something that will speak "I'm a big boy in a little mans body now that I have my big boys toddler bed" but yet still be soft and inspiring for what I consider to be "my big baby in a toddlers body.
Decorating with maps is a great idea for any room being a boys nursery, a girls or a neutral gender room, even around the house. Maps tend to have soft blue colors and some come with vibrant tones making them a great backdrop or accent.
Cox & Cox has a wonderful wallpaper with a curbed look and a globe that is actually a mobile
If only we all kept our childhood globes that are now selling as "vintage". I also love the idea of a chalkboard globe!
...or painting the globe's base a vibrant colour ( this is an Etsy find )
...or even just taking maps and creating decoupaged items like cubes and toy storage boxes. The possibilities are endless!