Here's a recipe for a belly cream I've been making throughout my pregnancy. Apparently, it has had great success with anyone I have shared it with. It's easy to make, has no nasty chemicals and leaves the skin super hydrated.
It does need some time to get used to the thick-ish consistency, but if I can use it during the Athenian heat waves anyone can. By now it has become a staple and I can't go on a day without it. Add it to your after the shower-before -going -to -sleep- ritual and I promise you will be looking forward to it every night.
Whipped Shea Butter Belly Cream Recipe
- 150 ml Organic Non Refined Shea Butter
- 60-70 ml Organic Virgin Olive Oil
- A box of Vitamin E capsules ( from Pharmacy )
- 20 drops of Lavender Oil *
Don't overheat or let it boil since this will likely destroy many of the good stuff in the Shea Butter.
Let Butter Cool.
Once it is cooled down, add Olive oil, Vit E oil and Lavender Oil.
Whip mixture and place in refrigerator. At this point the mixture still retains some heat so you will not get the whipped consistency just yet.
Take out of fridge and whip again. Repeat this process with 30 minute intervals until you get that whipped cream consistency and it forms peaks.
Sometimes mixture cools too much and goes funny. If this happens, just let it sit in room temperature a bit and mix again. Scoop and place in a jar or tin.
* The are many counter indication for Essential Oil use during pregnancy. Some say that Lavender Oil is a uterus stimulant and is best avoided during pregnancy. If it will makes you feel better you can totally omit the Lavender Oil. As an alternative, you can add any fragrance oil you wish, just check that they are safe to use on skin and non-toxic.
5 σχόλια:
great stuff!!!! I bet it smells nice and natural too!
great blog :)
thanks for the tip! I bet it can be a super-power body cream after pregnancy too.
Thanks for the recipe, Mme la Marquise! Do you have any tips on where I can get the ingredients from (Internet, any nice little shops in Athens I've never heard of?).
@Stellaluna : Try ebay.co.uk for Organic Shea Butter or http://www.akuawood.co.uk/ ( Shea Butter Cottage ). Alternatively, if in a hurry you can always get a tub of Shea Butter from L'Occitane ( but much more expensive ).
Θα ήθελα πάρα πολύ να δοκιμάσω αυτή τη συνταγή αλλά ήθελα να ρωτήσω κάτι πρώτα. Βιταμίνη Ε πήρα της Eviol που είναι σε μαλακές σφαιρικές κάψουλες. Πώς να τις ανοίξω? Δοκίμασα με ψαλίδι και έριξα όλη τη τρύπια κάψουλα μεσα στο αμυγδαλαίελαιο και σκοπεύω αφού τις ρίξω όλες να το στραγγίξω για να βγάλω τα μπαλάκια αλλά αναρωτιέμαι μήπως έχεις κανέναν καλύτερο τρόπο!
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